• Each week, families are invited to use the Family Lounge, a space where little ones can play while parents watch the livestreamed worship service. The Family Lounge is equipped with a changing table, sink, diapers, wipes, plenty of toys, and a big screen for streaming the service. It's located at the end of the first floor hallway, closest to the entrance (formerly, it was the Nursery).

    Nursing mothers who would like a little more privacy are welcome to nurse in the Nursery, which is staffed by an all-female volunteer team. Please see below for Nursery info.

  • Drop-off nursery care for children age 3 and under is available each week. After the first two songs of the worship service, when the kids are going with their adult leaders to their groups, just come on back with the Family Ministry Team to drop off your child with a caring, trained, background-checked caregiver. Or, if it's later in the service and the security door is closed, please feel free to ring the doorbell of the Community Church Kids wing.

    Nursing moms are welcome to use the nursery to have a more private nursing space. There is a rocking chair, changing table, and wipes. As always, please feel free to ring the doorbell to gain access if the security door is closed.

  • Our preschool (age 2) through kindergarten group has a blast each week! We start with a brief video in which Topher the Gopher teaches a bible lesson in a fun way! Then, the story and lesson are reinforced in fun, sensory ways, like games, crafts, and activities.

    The Go! Curriculum takes kids through the Bible chronologically so that the kids can see how all of scripture points to God's love and redemption. This curriculum also emphasizes living out faith through action and helping kids learn ways to respond to God through prayer, Bible reading, drawing, or writing.

  • Our younger and older elementary groups (Grades 1 &2 and Grades 3 & 4, respectively) dive deeply into scripture by reading directly from the bible, accompanied by bible lesson video with some hilarious hosts. With fun games, interesting activities, and thought-provoking discussion questions, the time flies by each week and kids learn how to apply what they learned in the Bible to their daily lives. We also focus on exploring different ways of connecting with God, which we hope will go with them the rest of their lives.

    The Go! Curriculum takes kids through the Bible chronologically so that the kids can see how all of scripture points to God's love and redemption. This curriculum also emphasizes living out faith through action and helping kids learn ways to respond to God through prayer, Bible reading, drawing, or writing.

We’re excited to introduce a new curriculum that guides our youngest students through the story of the Bible, following the rhythm of the liturgical calendar. This program helps kids understand God’s Word in a way that builds their faith week by week, connecting them to God’s unfolding story of love and redemption.

As parents and guardians, you are the primary spiritual teachers in your children’s lives, and we are here to partner with you. Through this curriculum, we aim to support your role by offering resources and lessons that deepen your child’s faith and make it easy to continue the conversation at home. Together, we can nurture their love for God and His Word.

February Unit: Guess What

Safety & Security

In our Family Ministry program, the safety and well-being of your children are our top priorities. We have implemented a comprehensive security protocol, including background checks for all volunteers, secure check-in and check-out procedures, and constant monitoring throughout our programs. Additionally, we have installed security doors to enhance safety, ensuring that the children are securely locked during the time of lessons. In the event of an emergency, a parent or guardian should ring the doorbell next to the door, and a staff member will meet them. We understand the trust you place in us, and we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment where your children can grow in faith and fellowship. Thank you for entrusting us with your precious ones, we consider it a privilege to partner with you in their spiritual journey.

Family Ministry Highlights!